Posted by Unknown
Posted on 9:12:00 AM

AUTOR - PORTUGUESINHAConheci-o à cerca de dois anos numa sala de chat...Nem sei porque entrei lá...Estou quase na casa dos quarenta...há muitos anos a viver com o mesmo homem, sempre fui fiel, mas ao fim de uns anos a rotina instala-se e acho que vem a curiosidade pelo desconhecido, por viver novas emoções. Eu entrei algumas vezes ali e apesar de ter falado com várias pessoas, nunca passava email para nenhuma.Mas teve algo nele que me instigou e adicionei-o numa rede social. Era 10 anos mais novo que eu e muito, muito atraente. Começamos uma relação de amizade, que foi evoluindo devido...
Posted by Unknown
Posted on 10:05:00 AM
Two Nuns Spank and Cane Dani Hunt
Posted by Unknown
Posted on 11:54:00 PM

Dani Hunt is a very naughty student. She gets called into the office of head nun Sister Mary Olivia, played by Lady Olivia Outre. Sister Mary Olivia has been telling Sister Mary Ginger how necessary it has become to return to the old ways of discipline, which she demonstrates on Dani with a hand spanking. Sister Mary Olivia then instructs the young nun to aslo place Dani over her knee and give her a sound spanking.. And to drive the message home to Dani that she must change her ways, the nuns cane the bratty schoolgirl. She definitely learns her lesson from Spanking Sorority Gir...
Clare Fonda
New manager has a firm approach to discipline
Posted by Unknown
Posted on 8:59:00 PM

Alison fails to show up for an important dance audition, so new manager Frank Reed decides a sharp reminder is needed. Will 240 hard smacks on her bouncing bottom be enough to make her toe the line? Be sure that Alison’s tushy is destined for more punishment in Firm Hand Spanki...
Firm Hand Spanking
Trophy Wife Spanked
Posted by Unknown
Posted on 12:47:00 PM
Molly Malone is a trophy wife and does not take the proper care of Bow her young charge and when confronted by the head of the school she realises that Bow may be expelled and would therefore be at home every day which would spoil her fun. The head feels that Miss Malone is responsible for Bow's bad behaviour and that every time there is a behaviour problem Miss Malone will be punished as well, this is put to the trophy wife who has no option but to accept the deal. On this her first visit she is spanked on her fancy panties and then on the bare bottom from Spanking Sar...
English Spanking
Contribuição do Nuno - Visitors Contribution
Posted by Unknown
Posted on 8:15:00 PM

Obrigada Nuno pela maravilhosa contribuicao, adoro a mistura de cores com a falta de corE meninas ele e um excelente fotogrado e anda a procura de modelos .Vejam mais do trabalho excelente de fotografia nestes endereçosSite (Em construção)www.licencaparafotografar.comBlogs:http://nunoalexsousa.blogspot.com Galerias:
Strapped to tears
Posted by Unknown
Posted on 8:56:00 AM

Beth Thompson knows that a spanking is the only way to pay off her credit card. But that doesn’t make it any easier when a leather strap is applied 18 times to her curvy bottom. Bent over a table, she yelps and cries her way through her latest punishment for Paid in Fu...
Firm Hand Spanking
Kiki punished over the knee
Posted by Unknown
Posted on 3:33:00 AM
Kiki has been sent by the courts for a session of discipline therapy but she has been allocated to see Sarah Bright a notoriously sadistic lady who loves to deal in the harshest possible way with the pretty young girls sent to see her. Kiki is soon on hot water, she gets slapped and it is not long before she is face down over the knee being spanked. After reddening her bottom a heavy leather paddle is employed to bring some real pain to the disciplinary proceedings, Kiki has to bend over and take the full force paddling from Red Stripe Films...
Red Stripe Films
Raising A Good Girl
Posted by Unknown
Posted on 6:24:00 AM

Caroline has been disciplined at school for smoking and has to face the consequences when she gets home from Northern Spanki...
Northern Spanking