The Submissive Cuckolds Dinner

The Submissive Cuckolds Dinner
She's late for dinner, but you knew she would be. You have to wait for her. She finally arrives to feed you. She tastes so different than she did at breakfast and lunch. From Pussy Worshipper BoyIt's something you've tasted before. At least you know where she's been. From Fem Dom Hotwife Interracial...

The Submissive Cuckold's Lunch

The Submissive Cuckold's Lunch
It's been awhile since breakfast and you just wait for the call. You're told to meet her at her office. She has lunch waiting for you. From Pussy Worshiper Boy It's an awesome lunch. Even tastier than what you had for breakfas...

The Submissive Cuckold's Breakfast

The Submissive Cuckold's Breakfast
As soon as your Mistress awakes, you follow her to the bathroom. She provides you with your morning's sustenance. From Ass-tralia It's what I had for breakfast this morning....

Maternal Discipline

Maternal Discipline
By definition, can a Dominant Wife administer "Maternal Discipline" to her submissive husband? Of course not. It would be strictly role play now wouldn't it? So what's her next best option? Why bringing her submissive husband to her mother of course. The submissive's Mother-in-Law to be more specific. For an outstanding piece on this very subject, check out Mistress Milliscent's recent post, The Vacation, From Beautiful Puget Sound. No one writes flash fiction like She does. In my opinion, She's the First Lady of Flash Fiction when it comes to kinky Femdom scenes. I'm sure s......

Cuckolds who Clean

Cuckolds who Clean
"One way or another he ends up cleaning" said Sylvia to the women in attendance at the Cuckold Couples Support Group meeting. Referring to her cuckold husband Bob, Sylvia continued "If he's around when I'm with my lover James, he has to clean the both of us after we've made love." From Church of the Big Black Penis "If the cuckold isn't around, then his job is to clean the messy sheets as soon as he gets home" Sylvia said as the rest of the women giggled. From Cuckold Collection "Of course if he's not there, I get to clean James myself" Sylvia said smiling....

Morning Worship

Morning Worship
Karen spent the night at our house last night. No, it wasn't a kinky threesome like you might be thinking, but by the same token it was pretty far from being a vanilla Saturday night also (more on that later this week, because there's lots to explain). With my two Dommes in the same house this morning, there's double morning worship for me. It's only respectful that I kneel before each of them. From Bossy Glossy DamesThere are some things they insist upon before breakfast. FromHer facepet's place...

The Hazards of Female Dominance

The Hazards of Female Dominance
Being safe in any BDSM or D/s situation should be of utmost importance. One thing to remember are the hazards of second hand smoke... From Fuck Yeah, Namio Harukawa ....regardless of how you inhale i...

FemDom Office - The Midyear Evaluation

FemDom Office - The Midyear Evaluation
John had really been an exceptional employee in the first half of the year thought his manager Marcia as she pondered how to word his midyear evaluation. Save for the one time he was late for his weekly spanking with her, there were no other marks on his record. His obedience to her and his work for the Female Led Business Unit were outstanding. John was in line for a promotion to another department, but Marcia hated to lose his services. Training a new employee (submissive) could be fun, but some took more time than others and didn't always work out. John was a keeper. As John......

Sissy Training

Sissy Training
I was going to write a short piece of flash fiction on this subject but it wouldn't do justice to the real life situation that exists in the life of a Domme and Her sissy. Many dominant woman enjoy training their submissives, some more than others. Some of them come up with some pretty clever ways to exert their control over their subs (especially sissy subs) and at the same time, provide them with the opportunity to learn some real life skills. For instance the clever Nicole over at As She Pleases has her sissy fiancee Jennifer taking some "nail technology" classes so that Jennife....

BBW And Strap-ons

BBW And Strap-ons
No, I didn't have the pleasure of taking Karen's strap-on yesterday. I did think about it though. Karen did come over late yesterday afternoon for a swim and to join us later at a neighbor's party. We have wonderful views of the city below where we live and were able to see several different fireworks displays. As the evening got later and the drinks were flowing, I knew my chances of submitting to either Debbie or Karen after the party were pretty slim. Still, I had big ideas..... From My Miss in Control Something like this would have been nice too....but doesn't the Big Girl ....

Male Chastity

Male Chastity
I don't think there's such a thing as a comfortable chastity belt for men. Would seem to me that there are far more comfortable female chastity belts for women than there are for men. A little arousal can bring a tremendous amount of discomfort for men. I don't want to sound like I'm complaining because all I'm doing is trying to state an observation. Some dominant woman, i.e. keyholders are a little more proactive than others when it comes to their slave's chastity devices. I would say that most want the slave to be at least a little (but not too) comfortable when they're locke......

Consumating a Cuckold Marriage

Consumating a Cuckold Marriage
I don't think you have to be legally married to be a cuckold. If your significant other, girlfriend or fiancee is cheating on you with another man, I think that's enough to qualify you for cuckold status. However once you get legally married I do think that to make it official, there has to be an act of lovemaking between the wife and her lover to make it official. To take it once step further, the cuckold marriage might not be officially consumated...... From Naked Brides ....until you consume your first cream pie from your wife's lover as a married man. Some wives don't wait ve....

The Sense of Smell

The Sense of Smell
Humans have quite a few senses, physiological capabilities that can provide stimulating data for our brains to formulate perceptions, but the five most common are recognized as sight, touch, hearing, taste and smell. In the world of the erotic, each of these can be used effectively to cause a rather high level of arousal, especially in the world of D/s. The senses can be used one at a time or as a combination. Once a Dominant understands what pushes their submissive's buttons (and good Dominants have a "sixth sense" about this) the senses become just another tool to exercise their ....

Caged Cuckolds

Caged Cuckolds
I'm not referring to cuckolds in chastity here. I'm talking about cuckolds who have to spend time in actual cages while their wives enjoy the services of superior Alpha males. It's an idea Debbie has talked about but to date, hasn't acted on. She has however mentioned it more than once, the most recent time being last night just before bedtime. "It's not like it wouldn't be put to good use. We'd use it when Tony and Hal come over, not to mention Karen using it. We should get one" she said. The idea of being put in a cage is a little frightening. I'm a bit claustrophobic and i......

Submissive Sundays

Submissive Sundays
Just a few stimulating photos on a lazy Sunday that help us reflect on our chosen roles in life.... He must not have gotten it right the first time. She means business. My kind of woman. Ready for a no-nonsense spanking. Probably more than I could handle. Love her attitude. All photos taken from Diary of a maniptive (sp) woman. "...I am just an average 40-something year old married soccer mom. I enjoy manipulating men and keeping my husband in his place." Nothing wrong with th...

Comfortable Pegging

Comfortable Pegging
Last night I had a very enjoyable pegging session with Debbie. After it was over the two of us were ruminating about how in our earlier days, when Debbie was still a nascent Domme, the difficulty we had in finding a comfortable position for her to fuck me. We knew there would be no turning back and that strap-on play was going to be an important part of our FemDom marriage, so we stuck with it. Eventually, it became more enjoyable for the both of us and yes, even comfortable (most of the time). Even in the earliest stages, it was clear that Debbie enjoyed the diaper position the ....

The Happy Cuckold

The Happy Cuckold
Debbie and I are headed on vacation next week and we'll be away from home for between 10 and 14 days. Before Debbie leaves, she's making it a point to see both of her lovers. Two weeks without a live "real man's cock is too long for any woman to put up with" so she says. She's getting together with Tony on Wednesday and she convinced Hal to make a special trip into town this coming weekend so she can see him on Friday night and maybe even on Saturday. "Plenty of cuckolding, cleanup and creampies for you" she snickered playfully this morning, "The three C's." The three C's. I n......